A new contract that improves purchasing power for universities of applied sciences

The new contract of universities of applied sciences brings a salary increase on 1 May 2024, which secures the development of purchasing power this year. The general increase is 2.7 percent, and the local instalment is 0.4 percent. There will be no weakening of the terms of the employment conditions.

The contract period starts on 1 April 2024 and ends on 31 March 2026. The contract can be terminated by 30 April 2025, if the parties cannot agree on the salary increases for the second year. The parties will negotiate on the increases next winter.

The universities of applied sciences can deviate from what is agreed on federal level regarding salary increases for the second year by local agreement. The time and profile of the increase may vary, but the total amount of the increase percentages must be at least the same as agreed at the federal level. Local agreement on salary increases is only possible if the parties reach an agreement in February 2025 for the optional year increases.

OAJ’s Executive Board approved the negotiation result on 29 February. The new collective agreement was negotiated by OAJ, YTN representing wage earners and FEE (Sivistysala ry) which represents 21 universities of applied sciences.

– The change is hardly visible in members’ daily lives. Now, however, an opportunity to develop the employment terms of universities of applied sciences has been opened, so that they correspond even better to the changing job descriptions and wishes of the members, OAJ’s Negotiations Director Petri Lindroos defines.

– Cooperation with YTN went very well during the negotiations that lasted almost four months. It was important that the employee side remained united even in difficult phases, thanks Lindroos.

The universities of applied sciences continue to have two personnel groups: the teaching personnel and the expert and support personnel. The teaching staff’s salary and working time regulations remain practically the same.

The texts were modified during the negotiations so that they would better correspond to the current practices and concepts.

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