A new two-year collective agreement for universities and teacher training schools

A new collective agreement has been negotiated for universities. There are two general increases in the first contract year. The increase is 3.5. percent from September 1, 2023, and 2.0 percent from March 1, 2024.

A new collective agreement has been negotiated for universities. The negotiation result was approved by OAJ’s Executive Board on March 28 and by Juko’s Board on March 29. On March 30 it was verified that the solution is accepted by all contracting parties.

The new contract period is April 1, 2023 – March 31, 2025. There are two general increases in the first contract year. The general increase is 3.5. percent from September 1, 2023, and 2.0 percent from March 1, 2024.

The solution includes a local instalment, which is 0.5 percent starting December 1, 2024.

Full-time employees will be paid 12.6 percent of the March 2023 monthly salary in one lump sum, however, the amount is at least 400 euros. For part-time employees, the one-off instalment is paid in proportion to the part-time. Untenured teachers are also taken into account. The lump sum is paid in May.

Also, some task specific allowances will rise.

In addition, the remuneration of shop stewards and OSH representatives will be increased.

On this round, the negotiations focused on salary increases. During the contract period, the parties have committed to review the current status of the salary system and its development opportunities. This is an important development target from the point of view of attractiveness and appeal of university work.

The universities general collective agreement was negotiated by the Negotiation Organisation for Public Sector Professionals Juko, Trade Union Pro, Trade Union for the Public and Welfare Sectors JHL and Finnish Education Employers FEE (Sivistystyönantajat).

The university agreement applies to approximately 2,200 OAJ members, of which 1,500 work as university teachers and researchers and 700 work at teacher training schools.

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